作为一个企业主,你每天都要承担可计算的风险,以保持你的业务蓬勃发展. But what about the risks you haven’t considered? 商业大发888dafa是一个很好的方式,让你专注于利润, without being blindsided by unexpected liabilities and asset loss.
- Costs associated with the loss of property
- Risk of business interruption
- Protection from lawsuits
- Claims from Injured workers
如果你目前依赖财产大发888dafa,你是在保护你的资产, but not the business itself. If there’s a business interruption to your business or a lawsuit, 你需要业务中断或责任大发888dafa来确保你继续工作.
我们的大发888dafa产品是一个集合的大发888dafa政策,一个企业主可以利用来防范一些最大的商业风险. 它们可以保护您免受财产,员工或客户索赔造成的损失.
Here’s why you should get started right away!
- Your business is valuable; don’t let another day go by without shutting the door on risk.
- 获得商业大发888dafa的无风险报价既容易又快捷. Just fill out this simple form, and we'll contact you.
Business Insurance in Oklahoma City
企业主的任务是通过他们每天所做的决策来最小化他们的业务风险. 尽管如此,仍有一些不可预见的事件,即使是最周密的计划也无法对冲. 商业大发888dafa保护您的企业免受经营过程中发生的风险.
购买商业大发888dafa可以保护企业免受因雇员受伤而产生的财务风险, breach of contracts, professional negligence, or business interruption.
每个企业都面临着独特的风险,这就决定了他们所需要的商业大发888dafa的性质. Here are a few categories of business insurance.
1. Liability Insurance
There are at least four distinct categories of liability insurance.
一般责任险涵盖了一系列可能导致对企业提起诉讼的突发事件. 经常接待来访者的制造企业,在发生事故时,可以对来访者的身体伤害进行保护. 大型建筑公司可以保护自己免受他人财产损失的损害. 一般责任大发888dafa单也被称为商业大发888dafa单.
广告代理商和新闻出版物需要商业大发888dafa,以防止因对第三方造成声誉损害而引起的诉讼. 这在商业大发888dafa范围内,因为这些风险很可能发生在他们的日常经营过程中.
Senior executives in companies can take our Directors & 职员大发888dafa,以保护他们的资产免受股东或雇主的索赔.
职业责任大发888dafa保护专业人员免受因疏忽等错误而产生的风险, misrepresentation, and inaccurate advice.
2. Commercial Property Insurance
这是一项商业大发888dafa政策,旨在保护商业建筑及其资产免受业务运营的影响. It covers a wide range of risks, including fire, theft, damage from storms, terrorist activity, and other unforeseen events.
3. Employee Insurance
Some states require business owners to take workers' compensation cover. 这有助于企业在员工生病或受伤的情况下支付福利. However, 员工大发888dafa可以扩展到包括对员工的永久性残疾的补偿,或者支付员工在处理与工作有关的活动时死亡的丧葬费用.
有时,企业可能会面临受伤或死亡员工家属的诉讼. An employee insurance policy helps to cater for the expenses incurred.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Does a Commercial Insurance Policy Cover?
商业大发888dafa单保护企业免受核心业务活动造成的损失. 它包括对企业财产的损害、对员工的伤害、对第三方的伤害等等.
Many policies can fall under commercial insurance, including maritime insurance, workmen compensation, cyber risk insurance, and fire insurance. The mix of covered risks determines your commercial insurance quote.
What Is Not Covered by Commercial Insurance?
Commercial insurance typically covers liability and property damage. 它不包括会计、医生和律师通常面临的专业责任. Commercial insurance excludes replacement costs of worn-out machinery. 商业大发888dafa也不包括因风暴等原因造成的业务中断. It would only pay for damage to property but not lost revenue.
What Is the Difference Between Personal and Commercial Insurance?
而商业大发888dafa则保护企业免受在赚钱活动中发生的责任或损失, personal insurance covers against risks that occur during ordinary life.
Examples of personal insurance policies are:
- Personal health insurance
- Auto insurance
- Life Insurance
Examples of Commercial Insurance policies are:
- Employee Compensation Insurance
- Commercial Property Insurance
Does my business need a commercial insurance policy?
如果你的公司有员工,他们的正常工作有受伤的风险, you need a commercial insurance policy. Similarly, if your business uses expensive professional equipment, 你需要一份商业大发888dafa,以防止在使用过程中或其他不可预见的事件造成损害, such as theft or fire.
- Theft
- Fire
- Damage to business property
- Liability arising from injuries to employees
- Liability arising from property to third party-owned property